With the weather warming up, I am getting close to sowing my seeds. From what I have been reading, many of the seeds have to be planted directly outside since they don't transplant well. So only a few of my plants will be started in the greenhouse.
I am hesitant on planting too early just because we are getting some nice weather this week. There is still a chance of frost through April and I don't want to take the chance of the seeds not sprouting.
I was out in the greenhouse this past weekend to start cleaning up and organizing my space. The soil in the raised beds looks great. I have about 127 SF of planting space. Here is a list of the seeds I have purchased:
Sugar Snap Peas
Green Beans
Sweet Peppers
I have been reading several books and making notes throughout the books based on what I am planting. The books I am using are:
The Kitchen Garden by Alan Buckingham
Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louis Riotte
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
The Vegetable Gardner's Bible by Edward C. Smith
So far, all of these books have been very helpful and I will reference back to them throughout the growing season. They will continue to help me with planing, maintaining, and harvesting as well as protecting them from disease, insects, wildlife, etc.
I was very interested to find that some vegetables produce better when planted near certain other vegetables and there are some that absolutely should not be planted together.
I have started laying out my preliminary plan on which vegetables will be planted together as well as the spacing needed for each plant.
Depending on the weather, I should be heading outside to start sowing some seeds in the next couple of weeks.
I'll be back then to post my progress!